About OWCA
The Ontario Wood Carvers Association promotes and celebrates the art of woodcarving in Ontario.
Founded in 1978, the non-profit, volunteer-run organization develops high-profile public projects, hosts the annual Ontario woodcarving championships at its Magic in Wood Competition and Show, and brings carvers together at events, through publications and via social media.
Welcome to our Website
Browse our site for news and opportunities for carvers, information on programs and events, and links to Ontario carving clubs. You’ll find some of our best work showcased in the galleries section. Learn how you can become a member – and if you’re a member already, enjoy special access to almost forty years of archived reference material, including tips and techniques.
Join Us as a new member or Renew your current membership by filling out the eletronic forms that can be accessed under the About Us tab at the top of this page.
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Getting Involved with the OWCA
The OWCA Executive is always encouraging members to come forward to share their ideas and expertise…and not just their carving talents! There are many interesting aspects of the OWCA that your Executive Committee enjoys and which you can also involve yourself.
Is there an activity that you’d like to join or can you suggest something new that you’d like to help us create?
Can you assist in our website or magazine publications?
Are you interested in participating in the creation of our shows and learning events?
Use the “Contact Us” button on this website or send a note to John at president@ontariowoodcarvers.com if you’re interested in learning more!
New to Wood Carving?
Are you curious about woodcarving but don’t know if it’s right for you? Let our members walk you through initial steps – materials, supplies, types of wood, and how to tackle your first project. Look under “Programs and Competitions” at the top of this page for clubs near you and locations where carvers meet. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you can’t find a location near you.
Join Us
Join the Ontario Wood Carvers Association today and get carving! New members are always welcome.
Members Only
Current members of OWCA can access additional information here including the on-line version of our Quarterly Magazine!
Ontario Woodcarver is the only full-colour magazine produced in Canada specifically for artists working primarily in wood.
Magic in Wood
Our annual fall competition and show is simply not to be missed.
Connect – Engage – Support
Maple Leaf Forever
UPDATE : With the Ontario Science Centre closed, the sculpture and bench have been removed and are stored at a temperature controlled artifact storage facility. The bench will be displayed periodically at various pop ups around the city.
The tree, older than Canada and blown down in July 2013, is said to have inspired Alexander Muir to write the “Maple Leaf Forever” song in 1867. In recognition of its historic significance, every part of this ancient silver maple tree will be used.
Tips & Techniques
Join us as members and guests share their videos, photos and expertise.