The Ontario Wood Carvers Association’s
“Virtual Woodcarving Show and Competition”
March 6th – 20th, 2021
The OWCA is embarking on a new offering that we hope will capture your interest and involvement…a Virtual Woodcarving Show and Competition.
This idea is based on our desire to continue to bring together Woodcarvers and to keep us all connected even though we might not be able to meet in person. Plus, we all like to show off our creations and with limited or no opportunity to do that recently, why not show off our work on the website?
Our goal is to keep things simple and just have some fun. It will be a zero cost undertaking with no admission fees, no travel costs for any of us and no substantial prizes other than the recognition from other carvers and general members of the public.
The Show and Competition will be held between March 6th and March 20th and will involve…
You submitting your entries and photos
Photos of all carvings displayed on our website
Judging of the carvings, announcement of winners and a critique session scheduled for everyone’s participation
People’s Choice voting and announcement of the winner
Several seminars scheduled throughout the two week period.

Enjoy our gallery of carving entries, below, sorted by category. Just click on the individual photo to view it larger.
Non-Competition Carvings for Display Only
All Categories
Category A: Carvings in the Round, Realistic
Busts and Figures, Wild and Domestic Animals, Fish and Marine Life, Birds
Category B. Relief
Human Portraits and Figures, Animals, Marine, Birds and Insects, Scenery, Flowers and Plants
Category C. Other
Caricature, Chip Carving, North American Native Art, Miscellaneous
Category D. Combined
Pyrography, Marquetry, Intarsia and Mosaic