True North Caricature Carvers Winter Show and Competition

March 17th, 2022

In early 2020, a few of us got together to bat around the idea of creating a specific group aimed at advancing Caricature Carving through the sharing of ideas and carving techniques.

Fast forward to today and John Paul Andre and Mark Sheridan are now hosting a monthly get- together “virtually” with attendees comprised from a group that is now upwards of seventy Carvers strong.  All of this virtual activity is being managed through the Zoom ( ) conferencing process that Murray Lincoln ably manages on our behalf as well as the uploading of our recorded meetings to

We marked our recent Zoom gathering of March 17th with our first True North Caricature Carvers ( TNCC ) Show and Competition…a bit of a milestone in our conversations and sharing of tips and techniques.  Some thirty caricature carvings were submitted for judging prior to the March meeting and distributed within Open, Intermediate and Novice classes.  John and Mark provided a critique of each carving and awarded a 1st, 2ndand 3rd place in each class.  Winners received a certificate and first placed carvings were awarded a one-year membership to the OWCA.   

Feedback has been good in that we’re all getting exactly what we intended out of our engagement as the TNCC…we’re all learning how we can improve and we’re all having some fun in the process.  If this is something that you think that you would also enjoy, just contact Mark at so that he can put your name on our email distribution list.


Enjoy our gallery of carving entries, below, sorted by class.  Just click on the individual photo to view it larger.  


