True North Caricature Carvers Christmas Show and Competition
December 21st, 2023
On December 21st, 2023, we ran our first Christmas Virtual Show and Competition for the True North Caricature Carvers ( TNCC ). Entries were grouped in three classes that provided the best level of competition for each of the Christmas related carving entries. Critiques were provide by the three judges for this event, Mark Sheridan, John Paul Andre and Murray Lincoln. In addition to the fun of seeing each of the carvings, certificates were provided for 1st, 2nd and 3rd as well as Honourable Mention in each of the three groups. Enjoy all of the photos of the entries, below, and just click on the arrows on each side of the photo to view the two slides per Group. Be sure to contact Mark Sheridan at to learn more about the TNCC and join in on our monthly Zoom calls.

Congratulations to each of our winning carvers. Just click on the individual photo to view it larger.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3